2025 國際培育營|2025 International Space Industry Training Workshop


📢 2025 國際培育營:太空系統工程設計 2025 International Training Camp: Space System Engineering Design


歡迎報名「2025 國際培育營:太空系統工程設計」本培育營為期兩天,旨在培養具國際研發與實作能力的太空人才,並壯大衛星產業團隊。

Welcome to the 2025 International Training Camp: Space System Engineering Design!

This two-day training camp aims to cultivate space talents with international research and hands-on capabilities, strengthening the satellite industry team.


💡 活動重點 Highlights

  • 國際專家講座,深入解析太空任務探索需求 International Expert Lectures: In-depth analysis of space mission exploration requirements
  • 實驗室參訪,體驗前沿科技 Laboratory Visits: Experience cutting-edge technology firsthand
  • 太空系統工程設計與實作 Space System Engineering Design & Implementation
  • STK 軟體操作,強化航太系統設計能力 STK Software Training: Enhance aerospace system design capabilities

📅 活動日期 Dates

2025.03.19(三)至 2025.03.20(四)08:00-18:00

⏰ 報名截止 Deadline for Registration

2025.03.17. Mon. 2:00 p.m.


🗓活動議程 Schedule


3/19 Wed. (Day 1)
Time Event
08:00-09:00 Arrival and Registration
09:00-09:10 Opening Remarks
09:10-10:20 Introduction to Space Exploration 
10:20-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-11:40 The Challenge of Mission Design
11:40-12:50 Lunch
12:50-13:00 Transit to Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research
13:00-13:50 Tour: Satellite Communications Lab, X/Ku/Ka band Ground Station
13:50-14:10 Coffee Break / Transit
14:10-15:30 STK Tutorial
15:30-15:40 Coffee Break
15:40-17:00 STK Tutorial
17:00-18:00 Discussion & Networking


3/20 Thurs. (Day 2)
Time Event
08:00-09:00 Arrival and Registration
09:00-09:10 Opening Remarks
09:10-10:20 STK Tutorial
10:20-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-11:40 STK Tutorial
11:40-12:00 Coffee Break / Discussion
12:00-13:10 Tour: Space Payload Lab / Mission Operations Center
13:10-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:40 Space System Design
15:40-15:50 Coffee Break
15:50-17:00 The Lunar Economy
17:00-18:00 Discussion & Networking


📍 活動地點 Location

國立中央大學 教研大樓三樓 未來研究空間

National Central University, Teaching and Research Building, 3F


👨‍🏫活動師資 Instructor

  • Mariano Sternheim,  Advanced R&D Manager, ispace inc.
  • Loren Chang, Distinguished Professor and Department Chair, Department of Space Science & Engineering, National Central University

🎯 對象 Eligibility

對太空工程與衛星技術有興趣即可報名(以大專校院學生為優先)請填寫表單完成報名,我們將於審核後通知錄取結果。Anyone interested in space engineering and satellite technology is welcome to apply (priority will be given to university and college students). Please fill out the form to complete your registration. We will notify you of the admission results after the review process.


📞 聯絡資訊 Contacts
如有任何問題,請聯繫:If you have any question, feel free to contact us
📍 (02) 2577-2011 #30 Mr. Tim Ke
📍 (02) 2577-2011 #14 Ms. Tsun-Li, Chao

🔗 LinkedIn: SpaceComm Talents

🔗 Program Information

Privacy Policy and Consent to Provide of Personal Data
On behalf of Industrial Development Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs , Taipei Computer Association (“TCA”) holds the event based on the project of The Plan For Space Industry Supply Chain Development and Communications Industry Talent Empowerment (“the Project”). Pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act (“the Act”) and TCA’s privacy and confidentiality policies, we hereby inform you about the TCA’s privacy practices, and describe the disclosure of various personal data we may collect, use, and store from you with respect to your participation of this event (“the personal data”). By signing the form (or clicking “I Agree”), you agree to the following:

1.The personal data we collect from you includes your Name, Telephone, E-mail, University/Company/Institution, Department, Year of Study, Nationality, etc.

2.The personal data shall be used for the following purposes: Within the scope of the Project, to provide the notification of services, such as, to establish the event confirmation, identity verification, to transmit event or related industry information, or to be used for internal data statistics and analysis.

3.Within the scope of the Project, TCA may operate its business, provide services and share the information with private entities or related government agencies.

3.1.TCA shares personal data only as Article 1 and 2 described to the above third parties that are either subject to this “Privacy Policy Consent to Provide of Personal Data” contract or a privacy policy at least as enforceable as effective as the “Privacy Policy Consent to Provide of Personal Data” contract.

3.2.The personal data shall be available to such parties stated above within Taiwan’s jurisdiction until the completion of the aforementioned collection purposes.

4.In accordance with Article 3 of the Act, you may make an inquiry and to review, request a copy, supplement or correct, demand the cessation of the collection, processing or use, and erase the personal data. Whether you request for deleting the information or opt-out of receiving emails or not, TCA reserves the right to communicate with you via email with respect to identity verification, important contact confirmation, notices or changes arising out of or related to this event. To protect mutual rights and interests, TCA will retain communication history of your deleting request as a record for future reference.

5.Please make sure the personal data on record is correct. Therefore, you have a choice whether or not to provide personal data; however, if you fail to provide certain personal data some features or functionality of this event, as well as, the following ones in the future shall become unavailable to you. Unavailable services may include, but not limited to, receive important event notice, customer services, ordinary contact, promotional email and participate related activities.

6.If you need additional assistance or the aforementioned requests, please contact us during our office hours.
Contact information:
Office hours: Monday through Friday
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Phone:+886 (02)2577-2011 ext.30

I have read and acknowledged the above circumstances; and, I agree the personal data provided can be collected, processed, and used, as stated above.

Please read the contents of this Agreement and give your consent.
Please fill out the following form. ( * Required )
*Please refer to TCA privacy policy regarding the collection of personal information
*Please refer to the TCA portrait provision consent form for relevant regulations.
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