太空網通計畫僑外生專場說明會清大場 SpaceComm Talents Briefing Session at National Tsing Hua University

🌟 Calling all aspiring foreign talents in Taiwan!

Get ready to embark on a journey to the future with us! This briefing session is designed to provide information to foreign students interested in developing their careers in Taiwan.


🚀  Event Information

  • Date: 2025.03.17 Mon. 
  • Deadline to Register: 2025.03.10 Mon.
  • Location: 國立清華大學 行政大樓二樓 第一會議室(R202)|General Building 1, 2nd Floor R202

Please note: Participants who register online and attend the event in person will receive complimentary lunch box (subject to the pre-event notice sent by the organizer.)


📝 Event Agenda

  • 12:10 - 12:25|Check-In (Sign-in and pick up lunch boxes.)
  • 12:25 - 12:55|Program Introduction
  • 12:55 - 13:10|Q&A Session
  • 13:10|Closing

📞 Contact Information

For any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us:

Sorry, registration for this seminar has closed.