2024 Startup Terrace Soft-Landing Program

πŸ“’ Attention startups all around the world πŸ“’

The 2024 Soft-Landing Program batch 2 is now calling for international startups!

Continuing our big success in the 2023 Soft-Landing Program, Startup Terrace is ready to welcome excellent international startups to get easy access to the Taiwan market, business environment, local resources, and key persons through a short visit to the country in November 2024.  With a training agenda full of opportunities and complimentary support for the selected startups, it is your BEST gateway to explore Taiwan and beyond.


⭐Batch TWO 

-Focus Area: Healthcare

-Registration Deadline: July 10th, 2024

-Preliminary Selection (document review): Aug 1st, 2024

-Final Selection (online pitch): Aug 14th, 2024

-Admission result: Aug 26th, 2024.

-Landing dates: Nov 4th - Nov 22nd, 2024


πŸ“What selected startups will experience:

- Guidance to Taiwan market

- Real-site visits & Business tours

- Targeted Matchmaking

- Iconic Startup Event


πŸ“The selected startups will be offered with:

- Travel reimbursement

- Free accommodation

- Free working space

- Logistics support



Greentech and healthcare startup that is established within 8 years (= after 2016).


Please CLICK HERE to see the full kit for this Program.



Kindly note that this Program is only open for LEGAL COMPANIES REGISTERED OUTSIDE TAIWAN. Applicants should upload your application deck (=company's introduction deck) that should be more or less covered with the following review points:

  1. Innovation/ Feasibility of your products/solutions: 30%
  2. Business model/ Competitive advantage: 20%
  3. Problem being solved/ Success stories: 20%
  4. Plan or potential to work with Taiwan businesses or to develop in Taiwan Market: 15%
  5. Next Steps - plans for expansion: 15%


The organizer reserves the right to explain, revise, and suspend the program whenever necessary.

For any questions, please contact Startup Terrace, the organizer team, at

Ms. Vivian Pu

+886 2 2577 4249 ext. 514



Ms. Phoebe Chen

+886 2 2577 4249 ext. 223


Sorry, registration for this seminar has closed.