

2025高雄智慧城展論壇暨展覽 (Smart City Summit & Expo Kaohsiung)




  • 1. 團體10人以上方得申請團體導覽預約服務(採事先預約報名)至時段名額額滿為止(導覽時間預計40分鐘)。
  • 2. 導覽路線將統一由大會安排,不可擅自脫團。
  • 3. 為維護導覽解說品質,每場次導覽人數上限為20人。
  • 4. 預約導覽時間請提前15分鐘至導覽服務台集合並請主要聯繫人提供名片及證件一張,辦理報到後統一領取導覽設備。
  • 5. 實際到館參觀人數如未達10人,現場恕不提供免費導覽,改請自行參觀。預先參觀登錄網址: https://smartcity.org.tw/m_login.php


廖先生 02-25774249#379 Email:sheng_liao@mail.tca.org.tw

廖小姐 02-25774249#254 Email:winnie@mail.tca.org.tw



  • 1. 謝絕12歲以下孩童入場參觀。
  • 2. 尊重商展禮儀,入場者請著適當服裝,勿穿涼鞋、拖鞋等露趾鞋入場。展場內禁止吸煙及嚼食檳榔。
  • 3. 若因不可預測之突發因素,主辦單位保留報名資格之最後審核權利及變更活動內容之權利。

為提供活動各項通知服務、報名資料確認、寄送本會或產業相關活動訊息及本會內部管理使用之蒐集目的,而須獲取您下列個人資料類別: 姓名、聯絡電話、E-mail、企業名稱、職稱。




五、各項通知服務、相關訊息之停止寄送,可透過訊息內容提供之取消訂閱連結通知。您可於上班時間聯繫活動承辦人(電話 (02)2577-4249,分機 379;或請按這裡)。就違反本個資聲明之行為,請按這裡反映





2025 Kaohsiung Smart City Summit & Expo

We sincerely invite you to join the largest IoT event in Southern Taiwan


2025 Kaohsiung Smart City Summit & Expo will be held from March 20 (Thu) to March 22 (Sat) at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, with the theme of "Digital·Green·Transformation". The exhibition will cover various fields such as ICT, healthcare, smart care, green transportation, smart governance, smart buildings, carbon auditing, innovative solutions, and more. Additionally, more than 20 cross-disciplinary elite leader-level professional forums will be held.



To help various sectors understand the exhibition and the solutions and technologies of the exhibitors, the organizers have planned group guided tours for reservations (10 people or more). Through professional guides, participants can interact with exhibitors. We welcome companies and associations to sign up for the group tour.



  • 1. A group of 10 or more people can apply for a guided tour (reservation required) until all time slots are filled. Each tour is expected to last around 40 minutes.
  • 2. The guided tour route will be arranged by the organizer, and no deviation from the route is allowed.
  • 3. Each guided tour has a maximum of 20 people to ensure quality.
  • 4. Please arrive at the tour service desk 15 minutes prior to your scheduled tour time. The main contact person should provide a business card and an ID card for registration, after which the tour equipment will be distributed.
  • 5. If the group size is fewer than 10 people, no guided tour will be provided on-site. Please visit the exhibition independently. Pre-registration link:https://smartcity.org.tw/m_login.php


Mr. Liao 02-25774249#379 Email:sheng_liao@mail.tca.org.tw

Miss Liao 02-25774249#254 Email:winnie@mail.tca.org.tw



  • 1. Children under 12 years old are not allowed to enter.
  • 2. Please respect exhibition etiquette. Attendees are required to wear appropriate attire and should not wear sandals, slippers, or other open-toe shoes. Smoking and chewing betel nut are prohibited inside the exhibition venue.
  • 3. The organizer reserves the right to change the event content due to unforeseen circumstances.
Taipei Computer Association
Privacy Policy and Consent to Disclosure of Personal Information
Privacy Policy and Consent to Provide of Personal Data
Pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act (“the Act”) and Taipei Computer Association (“TCA”)’s privacy and confidentiality policies, we hereby inform you about the TCA’s privacy practices, and describe the disclosure of various personal data we may collect, use, and store from you with respect to your participation of this event (“the personal data”). By signing the form (or clicking “I Agree”), you agree to the following:

1.The personal data we collect from you includes your name, gender, email address, phone number, mobile phone number, physical address, personal ID, nationality, passport number, job information, etc.

2.The personal data shall be used for the following purposes: To provide the notification of services, such as, to establish the event confirmation, identity verification, to transmit event or related industry information, or to be used for internal data statistics and analysis.

3.TCA may develop its business and provide services with third party business or related government agencies that the project attach to, or in these cases TCA may share the personal data related to those transactions with such third party. TCA shall provide such entities with access certain personal data needed to perform their functions; therefore, shall take measures to ensure that they may not use the personal data provided for other purposes. TCA shares personal data only as described above to third parties that are either subject to this “Privacy Policy Consent to Provide of Personal Data” contract or a privacy policy at lease as enforceable as effective as the “Privacy Policy Consent to Provide of Personal Data” contract.

4.The personal data shall be available to TCA and its co-organizers, as well as, affiliated businesses within Taiwan’s jurisdiction until the completion of the aforementioned collection purposes.

5.In accordance with Article 3 of the Act, you may make an inquiry and to review, request a copy, supplement or correct, demand the cessation of the collection, processing or use, and erase the personal data. Whether you request for deleting the information or opt-out of receiving emails or not, TCA reserves the right to communicate with you via email with respect to identity verification, important contact confirmation, notices or changes arising out of or related to this event. To protect mutual rights and interests, TCA will retain communication history of your deleting request as a record for future reference.

6.Please make sure the personal data on record is correct. Therefore, you have a choice whether or not to provide personal data; however, if you fail to provide certain personal data some features or functionality of this event, as well as, the following ones in the future shall become unavailable to you. Unavailable services may include, but not limited to, receive important event notice, customer services, ordinary contact, promotional email and participate related activities.

7.If you need additional assistance or the aforementioned requests, please contact us during our office hours.
Contact information:
Office hours: Monday through Friday
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Phone:+886 (02)2577-4249 ext.379

I have read and acknowledged the above circumstances; and, I agree the personal data provided can be collected, processed, and used, as stated above.
Please read the contents of this Agreement and give your consent.
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* 請填表人於3/7前提供團員名單,以利主辦單位後續行政作業程序,請將名單寄送至sheng_liao@mail.tca.org.tw
若無部門可略過本項 (Optional)
*請務必填寫正確電話,並確認可聯繫到報名代表人Please make sure to provide a valid phone number and ensure that the registere
請務必填寫正確電話,並確認可聯繫到報名代表人Please make sure to provide a valid phone number and ensure that the register
請務必填寫正確電話,並確認可聯繫到報名代表人Please make sure to provide a valid phone number and ensure that the register
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